Dear Readers,
I'd like to take this opportunity to say hello and connect with my fellow readers. I'm doing my best to update the blog as often as I can with new and even innovative information and current event reports. I would like to commend President Obama for his bold courageous action of signing the recent anti-tobacco bill to protect children. I would also like to commend all those hard-working bold courageous advocates and activists who are working very hard to educate the public on this horrifying heinous insidious addiction! The book, "Smoke Screen," was written to educate the public and be a strong eye opener to the pandemic that spreads across the nation and the globe and knows no boundaries. It does not discriminate against race, creed, heritage, age, beliefs, values, or shape or size of any person. This addiction destroys families, people's lives, hurts and causes severe damange to the environment and the wildlife. I welcome and invite readers to share their thoughts and post their comments and suggestions. Thank you for your support. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
I'd like to take this opportunity to say hello and connect with my fellow readers. I'm doing my best to update the blog as often as I can with new and even innovative information and current event reports. I would like to commend President Obama for his bold courageous action of signing the recent anti-tobacco bill to protect children. I would also like to commend all those hard-working bold courageous advocates and activists who are working very hard to educate the public on this horrifying heinous insidious addiction! The book, "Smoke Screen," was written to educate the public and be a strong eye opener to the pandemic that spreads across the nation and the globe and knows no boundaries. It does not discriminate against race, creed, heritage, age, beliefs, values, or shape or size of any person. This addiction destroys families, people's lives, hurts and causes severe damange to the environment and the wildlife. I welcome and invite readers to share their thoughts and post their comments and suggestions. Thank you for your support. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
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