Saturday, September 26, 2009

Wake Up Call For Smokers and Their Loved Ones!

It's very sad that the very talented Patrick Swayze died from the insidious heinous addictive habit. There is no mystery, secret, or news that smoking is an ugly, disgusting, unhealthy, destructive habit. Here is the question is. Are people ever going to wake up and realize what an ugly nasty addiction smoking is? If they do finally wake up, will they wake up early enough? Thousands of people die from cigarette-related diseases and many of these people are creative, artistic, and very talented. It's the 21st Century & you're still smoking a wrapped piece of paper filled with tobacco and deadly carcinogenic chemicals?! That's insane! Smoking is ugly, nasty, and stupid! There is nothing sexy, appealing, or attractive about smoking. Have you ever tried kissing an ashtray? It's gross and disgusting! Non-smokers have more sex than smokers do. Watch this video to see why!

Pass it On! Tell a friend and a loved one!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My New Weekly E-Book Give Away!

I've decided that for a limited time, to introduce my new book, "Smoke Screen, A Cautionary Non-Fiction Account of Manipulation and Deception," there will be a weekly give away of one free copy of my e-book to one lucky subscriber. This e-book is valued at $8.79. Since I won't have a way to contact them, I will announce the lucky winner here on a new post and there is only one catch; they will have two days to claim their prize. If not claimed in three days, I will select a new winner. So, don't delay, subscribe today! Please see the "Subscribe To" gadget on the navigational sidebar on the right underneath the "Poll" gadget to subscribe to the blog posts and comments.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Surgery News: Patrick Swayze, Actor In Ghost and Dirty Dancing, Has Died of Pancreatic Cancer

Patrick Swayze, the much loved and very talented actor artist has died of Pancreatic Cancer. Sadly, this much loved, very talented artist was very much addicted to the ugly, nasty, insidious addictive smoking habit. How many more beloved talented people have to die from this ugly, nasty, insidious, heinous addictive habit? When are people going to wake up and realize and admit that smoking is ugly, nasty, and is destroying their loved ones? It's the 21st Century and people are still smoking a wrapped piece of paper filled with tobacco and deadly carcinogenic chemicals?! That's insane! Pass it On! Tell a friend and a loved one!

Please see the following link for the current news story about Patrick Swayze:

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My Recent Anti-Smoking Tweets On Twitter

Unless you're living under a rock or in a cave, you know that smoking is ugly, nasty, and stupid and a horrifying terrible addictive habit. Most people seem to be aware of this, but unfortunately, we aware non-smokers have to repeat these thoughts over and over again. Here are some recent tweets I shared about my feelings and thoughts about the nasty insidious, ugly, stupid addictive smoking habit.

The Great Spirit gave you a healthy beautiful unique voice to express feelings and ideas, to communicate, and to sing! It's the 21st Century & you're still smoking a wrapped piece of paper filled with tobacco and deadly carcinogenic chemicals?! That's insane!

Non-smokers have more sex than smokers do. Watch this video to see why!

Pass it On! Tell a friend and a loved one!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Top 10 Reasons Why Non-Smokers Have More Sex

It's a fact. Non-smokers have more sex than smokers, according to scientific experts.

"Smoking has a direct, negative effect on the sexuality of a man at every level." - Professor of Reproductive Medicine. Check out this awesome video to find out why:

Pass it On! Tell a friend and a loved one!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Cities and States Across the USA Are Going Smoke-Free!

Upon searching for relevant blogs to post comments to share about my "smoke n gun" blog, I came across some very interesting wonderful hits. It seems that many cities and states across the USA are going smoke-free. Minneapolis, Michigan, and many other states are fighting strong to keep their states smoke-free. The growing sentiment is that clean, healthy, safe, smoke-free is a right and everyone deserves the right to breathe clean, healthy, safe, smoke-free air. It is wonderful to see that this growing cause is gaining strength and momentum! Let's work together to help the smokers in our life quit the ugly nasty habit and keep our precious air healthy, safe, clean, fresh, and smoke-free!